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MineMaster FAQ

From version 5.0.0 of MineMaster, updates via the server are no longer available, only through the APK.

Why were the server updates removed?
Now the app is built in a different language than the previous one, more cool things can be added (and some were), but this new language does not support updates through the server.

What are the pros and cons of this new language?
The cons are that, there are no updates via the server and also some devices may suffer from poor performance and the pros you will see over time.

Are creations still added without the need to update the app?
Yes, but the app must be version 5.0.0 and higher.

Will the app still receive new updates?
Yes, updates will be released on UpToDown.

Will the creations still be added without the need to install a new apk?
Yes, new creations are added without the need to install a new apk.